Ambulances for Sports Events

Any sports event needs regulatory health coverage although, depending on the type of sports competition or event, a certain type of ambulance with its respective health personnel will be required. Ambulancias Civera, S.L. has a large fleet of ambulances available for sports events, whether indoor or outdoor.

Our company offers coverage for all kinds of sports events that require doctors, nurses, emergency medical technicians, etc.

Depending on the sports event, we may offer the client our entire fleet of ambulances, the health team best suited to each scenario, a hospital tent, and more.

Throughout our long professional history we have collaborated with local governments, sporting entities, associations and clubs, both nationally and internationally, by offering all types of services and reserves.

Types of Ambulance for Sports Events

Ambulancias Civera, S.L. has a large, modern fleet of ambulances that meet current health standards and which are equipped to attend all kinds of sports events: