Ambulances for Transfers

Ambulancias Civera, S.L. is an ambulance transport company with over 30 years of experience in the industry. Our main activity has been the transfer of patients by road in all kinds of ambulances. We have an excellent fleet of ambulances available for all types of transfers. You will find explanations of the different types of ambulance transfer available below.

Land ambulance transport may be divided into different classes, depending on the equipment, capacity and modality of the vehicle.

Ambulances for Transfers According to Equipment

Depending on the equipment ambulances possess, two types of ambulance transport by road can be distinguished:

Patient Care Ambulance

Equipped to provide healthcare en route. Within this class of vehicle there are two types of ambulance:

Class B Patient Care Ambulance: Ambulances in this category are known as Basic Life Support (BLS or Class B) ambulances and they are designed to offer the patient initial healthcare in addition to non-critical patient transfer.

These ambulances are equipped with health and intervention material suited to responding to emergency care needs in situ and en route. They transfer patients who are stable with no risk to life but who may require continuous attention and basic care during the transfer.

They are staffed by, at minimum, a driver in possession of an emergency medical technician qualification. Depending on each autonomous community, an assistant with the same qualification is required, as is the case for Catalonia, or a nurse or doctor may be necessary, as is the case for the Valencian Community.

Class C Patient Care Ambulance: Ambulances in this category are known as Mobile ICUs. They are prepared to provide Advanced Life Support (ALS) services via full emergency care to critical patients in situ, transferring them to the most suitable medical centre and offering intensive monitoring and care en route.

A Mobile ICU has electromedicine equipment, such as a defibrillator monitor, breathing machine, infusion pump and a range of consumables as well as mobilisation and intervention equipment. This makes this type of ambulance the best vehicle in addressing any pathology to be treated during the process of stabilising and transferring the patient.

An ALS ambulance must have a driver in possession of the emergency medical technician qualification, a nurse with a degree in Nursing or degree that allows him/her to practice the regulated profession of nurse and a doctor with a degree in Medicine or a degree that allows him/her to practice the regulated profession of doctor.

Patient Transport Ambulance

This form of transport is used when it is believed there is no need for equipment or health personnel to provide care en route. It is used to transfer patients whose pathology is not regarded as serious, for example, those attending haemodialysis, scheduled consultations, check-ups, hospital discharges, or those with small injuries etc. This category is comprised of two types of ambulance:

Ambulances for Transfers According to Capacity

Depending on the capacity of ambulances, two types of road ambulance transport can be distinguished:

Individual Ambulance Transport: This is used when transferring a single patient. The patient is usually on a stretcher, although a wheelchair may also be used for people with reduced mobility. For this type of service, the Individual Ambulance (A1) is used if the pathology of the patient is not serious. Otherwise, and depending on the situation, a patient care ambulance, or Basic Life Support (BLS – Class B) or Mobile ICU (Advanced Life Support – ALS) ambulance, may be used.

Collective Ambulance Transport: This form of transport uses vehicles that are specially equipped to transfer a group of patients when an emergency situation does not exist and when they are not suffering from infectious/contagious illnesses. These ambulances are usually used to transfer scheduled patients attending medical consultations, rehabilitation, haemodialysis, oncology, radiotherapy, etc. Collective Ambulances (A2) are used.

Ambulances for Transfers According to Modality

Depending on the modality of each ambulance, two types of road ambulance transport can be differentiated:

Emergency Ambulance Transport: This is used to provide en route healthcare, a delay to which may involve a risk to life or irreparable damage to the patient’s health. This type of service is developed using patient care ambulances: Basic Life Support (BLS – Class B) and Mobile ICUs (Advanced Life Support – ALS – Class C).

Non-Emergency Ambulance Transport: This is used for patients who are not found to be in an emergency situation. Patient transport ambulances are employed: Individual Ambulances (A1) or Collective Ambulances (A2). This category may also be divided into:

Ambulancias Civera, S.L. has a large fleet of ambulances that are fully equipped (A1, A2, B and C). They all have the equipment and material necessary to develop any type of transfer. Our ambulances strictly comply with current health and safety standards for the transportation of patients by ambulance.

We currently offer our patient transfer service nationally and internationally, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. If you would like further information please ask us, free of obligations.