Hospital Tent
A hospital tent is a large, mobile medical unit that allows injured parties to be provisionally treated in the same place before being transferred safely to a set hospital. Its aim is to attend to the greatest number of patients in the shortest time possible.
Its use is reserved for incidents with numerous patients who must be attended to immediately. Hospital tents are designed to deal with any type of catastrophe, event or any emergency action. However, they are also frequently used in a preventive manner at large acts, such as sports events, cultural events and more.
Ambulancias Civera, S.L. has a hospital tent made using the latest fabric. It has been manufactured using synthetic, flexible, elastic, waterproof and resistant material.
Characteristics of the Hospital Tent
The hospital tent’s features allow it to adapt to any surface. Furthermore, it can be swiftly and easily assembled.
It is comprised of a structure weighing around 50 kilograms and, once inflated via a generator, it measures 10x5 metres, covering an area of 50 square metres.
Its interior is designed to make full use of its space. Its modular construction system allows for different specialised work areas.
As such, the injured can be classified according to triage when they are attended to.
Our hospital tent has a motor, electrical outlets and lights, in accordance with current regulations, so it may be used all day.
Our company includes the hospital tent among our equipment as a part of managing continued improvement. Consequently, coordination between health professionals and emergency teams is facilitated, allowing valuable minutes to be gained, which may save lives in complex situations.
A logistics support vehicle transports not only the hospital tent, but also all kinds of material necessary, such as first aid kits, stretchers, triage material, crash trolleys, etc.